My Inspiration

Nilgun Kara Photography

Kara’s unique minimalistic approach to not only her photographs but also her website is extremely inspiring to me. I love the color palette and the typeface she uses to achieve a modern yet nostalgic feel to her website.

Damon Clarke Macro Photography

Clarke’s photography is a great example of how not to be afraid of color and vibrance, especially when focusing on a single subject.

Tom Till Photography

Being a lover of the outdoors, Till’s photography inspires me to do whatever it takes as a photographer to get that one special shot, even if it means going out of my comfort zone. I love his wide array of travel photos, as well as landscapes.

Tony Howell Photography

Howell’s photography is a great example of making photos from iconic world destinations not look like a vacation snap-shot.

Clyde Butcher Photography

Butcher’s use of high contrast and black and white imagery create a timeless look for every landscape he shoots. Giving off a dramatic feel, his photos inspire me to see the deeper meaning and symbolism in everyday landscapes.

James Huskey (Classmate)

James is a student who sits next to me in the photography section in Adv. Computers. Whenever he uploads his photos I love to watch him edit them because he is an amazing outdoor and nighttime photographer. His images are so pleasing to the eye and his editing process is so thorough and complex.

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